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Saturday, November 02, 2013

VCA - End of year dance performance

It was really thunderous and electrifying performance by 1st and 2nd year dance students at SPACE 28 in Southbank.

I couldn't believe that these were all produced by students.

'T.Issue' by Rochelle Carmichael was a standout.
Beautiful body movements with subliminal sound and misty lighting of pure colours.
It was a mesmerising production.

'Pattern Study 1' by Anthony Hamilton was very different piece of work.
It expresses raw human psychology through slow movement to eruptive speed, using human voice as sound.

'Fragile Oasis' by Anna Smith was definitely tonight's highlight.
Its dynamic physicality was choreographed beautifully and was performed expertly with their seemingly unlimited energy, pushing their body movement to its limit.
Accompanied by earth-shuttering ambient sound and projection, this was truly contemporary dance at its best.

Its was a great night.

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