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Monday, November 23, 2015

Oil Painting Lesson with Gregory Smith - Day 6

I started today by putting darks on a wine bottle and shadows under these objects. 

Then I tried to get purple cloth right, but it got too dark. I wasn't able to make it lighter, somehow it got muddy. 

As always, Gtrg came to help me. 
He put a bright red on it, then gradually put blue and white. It was a great demo. 

I did more work on a basket and bread. 
At the end of the class, he pointed out that my colours are all stale. That's a good point, and I'm very aware of that. 

He looked at my palette and said I need to be bold and mix a large amount of fresh paint. 
Yes, I hardly used them, and my paint mixes are very small and dead colour. 

Maybe this is what I always feel lacking. 
I'm looking forward to next week. 

Work in progress. 16 x 20 in. 

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